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What does Dr. Brauns’ Bowel Eliminator do?
It helps you to go the bathroom when you can’t.
In other words, it alleviates constipation in a natural way without the need for harsh chemicals (that can cause cancer). It does so by stimulating and boosting natural peristaltic movement inside the intestinal tract to push out everything lurking in the shadows.
Has it any side effects?
No, not if it is administered properly according to its label.
Please do not use more than the recommended dosage or you may end up with cramps that can be quite uncomfortable for several hours.
Is it a natural product?
Yes, it’s made exclusively of organic senna leaves and natural rock salt.
Does it contain any animal products?
No. None whatsoever. Our capsules are made 100% from plants only.
Is it FDA approved?
No, food supplements (as those made from herbs like ours) do not require FDA approval since they are not considered drugs.
How do I store it?
In a dark and cool place like your pantry or your fridge if outside temperatures reach over 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda is the ancient Indian practice to use carefully formulated herbal remedies to assist with natural declining body functions. The tradition is several thousands (!) of years old and still works.
I have a stomach ulcer or IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). Can I still use it?
Possibly, depending on your specific health condition. Please consult your doctor in this case.
What if I am pregnant?
We do not recommend starting a cleanse while being pregnant.
Can I loose weight?
Yes, because on average we have up to 10 pounds (or more) of crap inside ourselves.
Will it cleanse my body?
Yes, because the sooner toxins leave your body, the better. We literally die a slow death of poisoning ourselves with chemicals and toxins in our food that accumulate over time. They also make us more acidic, leading to cancer.
What other benefits does it have?
When you cleanse your body, your skin becomes more radiant, you will look healthier and feel energized. At the same time you will be flushing out pounds of unwanted garbage from your body.
What else can I do to cleanse myself?
Drink alkaline water. Eat organic food. Eat less meat and no processed food. Meditate. Exercise. Keep alcohol to a minimum.